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 fsetpos()               Set Current File Pointer Position

 #include <stdio.h>

 int        fsetpos(stream,pos);
 FILE         *stream;
 const fpos_t *pos;

    fsetpos() sets the file pointer associated with 'stream' to the
    position pointed to by 'pos'. 'pos' is the value obtained by a
    previous call to fgetpos(). fsetpos() clears the end-of-file
    indicator and discards any character pushed back using ungetc().
    After calling fsetpos(), the next operation on a file can be input or

    The type fpos_t is defined in <stdio.h> as:

     typedef long fpos_t;

       Returns:     On success, 0 is returned. On failure, a non-zero
                    value is returned.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements get the current file pointer.

           #include <stdio.h>

               FILE *in;
               fpos_t filepos;
               int result;
               char *tst = "add text to file...";

               if ((in = fopen("info.dat","a+")) != NULL)
                   if ((result = fgetpos(in,&filepos)) == 0) {
                       printf("file position: %ld\n",filepos);
                       if ((result = fsetpos(in,&filepos)) == 0)
                           printf("set file position: %ld\n",filepos);
                   fprintf(in,"the end");
                       printf("unable to get file position\n");
                   printf("unable to open file\n");

See Also: fgetpos() fseek()
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